
What's Konserve?

Konserve is a small backup application for the KDE 3.x environment. It lives in the system tray and is able to create backups of several directories or files periodically.

Konserve uses standard KDE network transparency to upload your backups to wherever you want. Also it is possibly to restore a incidently deleted file or directory from a backup file with just one mouse click.

It supports drag and drop and provides a wizard that helps you with the first steps in using Konserve.


See file INSTALL for the detailed installation instructions. Please note that this program _expects_ to be installed in the standard KDE directory structure. If it is not it won't load its icons and the documentation correctly. One way to make sure Konserve will be installed in the right place is to use configure in the following way:

    ./configure --prefix=$(kde-config --prefix)

'make uninstall' removes all files of Konserve installed by 'make install' except those directories that are considered standard directories of the KDE directory structure.

Konserve on the Internet

The website is:

Please have a look at it for the latest version. There is also a mailinglist for Konserve, it's address is:

Please use this list for questions and suggestions since issues that are important for you are most likely important for other people. By using the archive at sourceforge others get the chance to find answers to problems that are already solved.

In case you don't want your mails out in the public you are kindly invited to write directly to the authors.

Bugs and Caveats


Please note that this is *alpha* software. I'm using it now on my own PC to keep backups of for example the Konserve sources itself and I have not shot myself in the foot. But I can not guarantee that this is impossible to happen.

Key Usage in Preferences Dialog:

The preferences dialog only works correctly when the Add button to add new backup profiles has been clicked with the mouse or the Alt-A shortcut has been used. Adding backup profiles via TAB+Return or only Return does not work.

User Interface:

Pop-up-menu->Preferences->Backup Profile: If you have selected a backup profile and you type something in the edit field the backup profile name will also change in the list-box. Konserve currently does not handle this and it will mess up the configuration file.

Deep Directory Structure:

Very deep directory structures will take a very long time and will eventually exceed Konserves capabilities as reported by Markus Neff. So you might not want to use Konserve to do a backup of your /usr directory.

Cyclic links:

Konserve can not handle cyclic links. If Konserve is used to create backups of directory trees containing cyclic links, it will write the same files to the backup file over and over again.

I hope you will enjoy this piece of software.
Florian Simnacher










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